Fall is Here, What Should We Plant?
As temperatures begin to cool & the daylight grows shorter, many can wonder what in the world to plant in their veggie beds once harvesting has commenced. Although it is entirely dependent on your own specific microclimate, we have some ideas below from our friends over at Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds.
"Rober Cauliflower is a reliable choice and Purple of Sicily will take on a splendid color as the temperatures plummet. Kale, especially Red Russian kale and Scarlet kale, are top choices for fall and very easy and reliable if you are expecting an early frost or unpredictable fall weather.
Carrots are ideal to start in September. For those gardeners who expect a mild winter, try Kyoto Red or New Kuroda; for those concerned about an impending fall frost, try an early maturing type like Little Finger.
Beets are a reliable fall crop. Try Detroit Dark Red for a deeply nutritious, classic red root. For a more unusual take, Chioggia, a striped beet, is an excellent choice, and it has delicious edible greens.
Looking to try something truly exciting? Grow celtuce! It is a lettuce type that was bred for a thick, crunchy stalk. The flavor is a cross between sweet corn and cucumber, and the texture is like an apple slice. Red Mountain Winter Celtuce is an excellent choice for those expecting a long, mild fall and winter. Celtuce also produces tasty lettuce leaf tops, so those growers with an early frost can still plant celtuce for the green.
Thank you for being a part of the heirloom gardening movement, and for choosing Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds for your garden."