What now?

Are there still tomatoes on your vines, sitting in the cold doing their very best to ripen? Herbs holding firm, with limited leaves & lots of woody stems? Are your gorgeous fruit trees shivering with bare stems?

After the glory of harvesting your summer and fall bounty, this time of year can seem a little drab. If you are like me, you cannot help but keep getting your hands in the soil. Rest assured, there is plenty of work to do!

Start by cutting back your woody herbs. Give them a good pruning so once the temperatures warm up, they will be covered in new growth. 

Cover those beds with agrabond or frost cloth. Make mini greenhouses with it. Old PVC or bamboo can help create mini hoop houses that will prolong warmer weather crops. 

Next, cut those tomatoes down. Save any green tomatoes there may be or compost them. There are tons of great recipes out there. I personally love making fried green tomatoes with the end of season greenies. 

Top dress all of your raised beds and fruit trees with compost. I also love putting the Happy Frog Soil Conditioner on as a thick mulch, about 4-6 inches will do. 

Restore those micro nutirents! Have you heard of Langbeinite, SulPoMag, Azomite and Green Aminos? Micro nutrients are needed just as much as your NPK. Not sure what this means, stop by and we will help you!

Plant Seeds! If you have grow lights, even better! Now is a great time to start leafy greens, brassicas and colder season crops. Also, seed out those leftover onion & garlic sets. It is not too late or too early, do it now!

Take up mushroom growing. There are great kits out there that will continue to fruit all year long if you tend to them with love. A great variety to start with are Oyster Mushrooms, the pink ones are gorgeous! If you feel adventurous, try Lions Mane.

Plan ahead! Do you want more raised beds next spring? Are you going to build that dream greenhouse you have always wanted? Right now is a great time to plan for next years crops!


Stop by and chat with us if you have specific questions & needs, we are always happy to help!