When the Levee Breaks...

In response to the disaters happening around the peninsula, we are teaming up with other like-minded individuals and organizations to bring relief to those suffering from the recent series of storms.

The current levee breach in the Pajaro community has dispaced over 2000 people, mostly low income farm workers. They have nothing left with few places to seek refuge. Many other communities along the Salinas River have also been affected. Here are ways to help:


Volunteers are needed at Shelters in Monterey and Santa Cruz counties. It would be most helpful if you can speak spanish or other languages of Mexicos indigenous community.

  • Santa Cruz Fairgrounds (Watsonville)
  • Watsonville Veterans Memorial Building (Watsonville)
  • Castroville Recreation Center (Castroville)
  • Cabrillo College Gymnasium (Aptos)
  • Compassion Church (Salinas)
  • Holy Trinity Church (Greenfield)
  • Salvation Army (Seaside)

Ways to Donate:

You can donate financially through the following websites and bios:

Additionally @campesinawombjustice and RC Fam have been doing amazing work on the ground in Pajaro supporting their community. Please follow them to keep updated about this situation as conditions and needs change.

While Pajaro is currently in the acute stage of this disaster, the recovery and need for support is long term.

Space of support for those effected:

Raices y CariñoA Community Collective for Families1205 Freedom Blvd, 3B, Watsonville.

If you would like to bring donations to the nursery, we will gladly accept the following:

  • Non - Perishable Food
  • Water
  • Clean Blankets
  • Flashlights/Batteries
  • Rain Gear
  • Shoes
  • New Socks
  • Clean Clothing (helpful if you organize by size)
  • Stuffed Animals & Toys
  • Diapers
  • Wipes
  • Small Size Tarps
  • Cash

Please be mindful with clothing donations, these are mainly dispaced farmworkers. They need simple clothing and not a whole wardrobe.


We appreciate your prayers and donations for the community, together we can all achieve & overcome so much.


You can contact Carly at the nursery for more information.

Main Office Line: 831.624.3482

Email: carly@VHnursery.com